Eddings (Eldritch Family)

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The ruling family of the Laisrathera House.

At a Glance

  • Population:
  • Lands: Eddings Lands
  • Politics: Pelted Partisan
  • Heraldry:


During the Fallowtide, members of Reese's Martian family were extended an invitation to live on Escutcheon in Laisrathera lands, and five accepted: Reese's contemporary and cousin Susannah and her husband Albert; Farrah (some ten years older than Reese) and her toddler daughter Olivia, and eighteen-year-old Tiffany.[1] These five form the core of the Escutcheon Eddings, which grows afterwards and begins to bridge the two clans on Escutcheon and Mars.

The Martian Eddings settled in Acorn, Firilith's castle town, and had been instated there by the time Jahir wedded Sediryl in the early Fallowtide, just after the Chatcaavan war.[2] This puts the date between 481 and summer of 482 BA.





  1. "If She Could Go," Kickstarter Short
  2. Healer's Wedding, Chapter 2