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A village on Quafiirla, the second of Qufiil's two planets and the one dedicated to the preservation of the traditional lives of the Faulfenza.

A house in the village


Three days from a landing pad for interworld shuttles, Qodii is situated in a valley near the foot of a mountain range. There are rolling hills with forests on one side, and forests in a curve on the other, and a large lake between forest and mountains. The dwellings are made of brick and set along a path that leads to the Dancing Place, a circle in the middle of the village where the homes of the Tradition-Keepers are situated. [1]


There are 38 houses in Qodii; new ones are erected at need, or old ones renovated and traded. It's rare for an existing house to be made smaller, but a house can be enlarged at need. The population hovers around 100 individuals, with around 70 adults and 30 children.

Four dwellings are conferred to Faulfenza holding roles in the village; these are situated around the central circle:

  • The FireMother's house
  • The Dance Teacher's house
  • The WisdomDancer's house
  • The Favored Dancer's house

Individuals move into these houses based on their acceptance of those roles. In practice, the two dwellings that see the most turnover belong to the Dance Teacher and Favored Dancer, since these roles require young Faulfenza, while the roles of the FireMother and WisdomDancer usually remain with an individual until their death.



  • FireMother Qodii
  • Qiirun, the Favored Dancer
  • Aunu, the Dance Teacher
  • Jeqezii, the WisdomDancer
  • various other peoples, put them down here


  1. Zafiil, Second Movement, Chapter II