Rose Point Forecourt

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Rough Map, Not to Scale

This city has sprung up within the walls of Rose Point, Reese Eddings's castle in the province of Firilith, on the world of Escutcheon. It is distinct from Acorn, which is the name the Firilith castle village has acquired.

" The castle’s walls framed an area large enough for the hospital and several other municipal buildings, plus the gardens and the servants’ halls, stables, and barracks. It had probably once been intended to protect the fields and forests Firilith’s nobles had used for hunting grounds, but it was well on its way to becoming a small city. Consequently, it had several small restaurants, and unlike many of the similar cafes on Escutcheon, it served local food as often as it did imported. Seafood was becoming a Laisrathera specialty. She and Vasiht’h took their lunch at one of these restaurants, at one of its outdoor tables: battered fish, flash-fried, with crisped seaweed and imported salad greens. One day, Sediryl thought, those greens would be grown on Escutcheon, perhaps even picked from a garden on the restaurant’s roof. Soon." [1]

"Evening in Laisrathera's castle town rewarded its visitors, because the Pelted had lit the place with colored lanterns and fanciful lights hidden in the garden's shrubs and tucked into its topiaries." [2]


Health Complex

  • Shield General, the hospital founded by Hirianthial
  • Reproductive Clinic, where Sehvi works


  • some restaurants I've mentioned
    • A seafood place
    • A cafe [3]

Stables and Training

In Jubilee Summer this area was large enough for an arena where horses could dance for the Chatcaava so it must include a training course or arena.

Church and School

  • chapel where Reese and Hirianthial married
  • Val's office
  • the new school of talents

Salle and Barracks

The salle is a domed building tucked behind several buildings, abutting the wall. There's a field outside it for practice. Inside the salle, there is a practice circle, and offices to the right. [4]

Grounds and Gardens

  • the walls
  • the gardens with the winter roses


  • The Waiting Cradle - located behind the hospital complex, near the southeastern wall


  • A fountain with an Eldritch youth with a jar of water held balanced on his shoulder, pouring eternally onto a depression in front of his feet before spilling into the basin. There were fanciful creatures carved into the floor of that basin, playing or looking up at him: fish-people, or fish-horses, or just fish. [5]


  1. Healer's Wedding, Chapter 15
  2. Farmer's Crown, Chapter 6
  3. Farmer's Crown, Chapter 8
  4. Farmer's Crown, Chapter 5
  5. Healer's Wedding, Chapter 16